2023 Expedition
e/v nautilus from above

OECI Multi-vehicle Exploration

October 1 – 19, 2023

Expedition Partners

Lead Scientist
Co-Lead Scientist
Lead Scientist Ashore
Expedition Leader
Operations Leader

Over the last three years OET has been working with partners from Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute (OECI) to integrate emerging exploration technologies to enhance ocean exploration. In September, the OECI Multi-vehicle Exploration expedition will host the University of New Hampshire DriX, the University of Rhode Island’s Deep Autonomous Profiler (DAP), and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s Mesobot to keep bounding ahead technology development for coordinating teams of underwater tools.

This third annual iteration of technology demonstrations will be an 18-day telepresence-enabled expedition that combines deployments of USV DriX, AUV Mesobot, and DAP, each of which offers complementary capabilities to explore the ocean from the seafloor through the entire water column. The expedition will start and end in Honolulu and explore the seafloor and overlaying water column around the Geologists Seamounts located south of the Main Hawaiian Islands.

This expedition is funded by NOAA Ocean Exploration via the Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute.


vehicle deployments
eDNA samples collected
live ship-to-shore interactions
6,195 km2
of seafloor mapped
live stream views

Meet the Team

Expedition Posts