This cruise will focus on the discovery of new cold-water ecosystems and improved understanding of underwater geological hazards and processes. The Straits of Florida is a trough that separates the Florida Peninsula from Cuba and the Great Bahamas Bank. Due to the differences in geological, oceanographic, and chemical processes within this region, the deep water contains some of the greatest species richness in the Atlantic Ocean. The expedition will also study underwater landslide deposits and slump scars for evidence of methane escape, as a cause of slope failure and potential tsunamigenesis. Methane venting would likely support rare chemosynthetic communities. Large vertical displacements of the seafloor will be examined to better understand local plate tectonic activity and potential for slope failure, earthquake, and tsunami hazards.

Straits of Florida
June 11 – 15, 2014
Expedition Partners
Meet the Team
Gallery Highlights
Photo album:
On Deck, Off Duty
Behind the Science: Straits of Florida
Flashback: ECOGIG 2013
Friends in Low Places: Isopod & Skate
To Bimini and Below: Exploring the Straits of Florida
Photo album:
Behind the Scenes: Straits of Florida