Mackellar Violich
Mackellar Violich is a research assistant with the Cape Eleuthera Institute, Eleuthera, Bahamas. Mackellar's research is focuses on species abundance and biodiversity in the Northeast Exuma Sound, using a combination of baited trapping and The Medusa, a deep-sea baited remote underwater video survey. She has also contributed to research on the Shark Research and Conservation Program at Cape Eleuthera Institute with shallow water baited remote underwater video surveys, and longline stress response on pelagic sharks. This past year she has taught a high school research class for an study abroad program at The Island School.
Mackellar Violich graduated from University of California Berkeley in 2013 with a degrees in conservation resource studies and environmental economics.
"I am excited to see a whole new ecosystem and the dynamic sea floor. I have been incredibly lucky to bring up a small sample of deep-sea isopods, but haven't been able to see the habitat which they occupy. Only a small portion of the deep-sea has been explored, but it is such a large portion of the earth, the Nautilus will help shed light on the unknown."
Mackellar participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: