2011 Expedition
Knidos K dive site

Coastal Landscape of Datça Peninsula

August 18 – 28, 2011

Expedition Partners

Lead Scientist
Lead Scientist

Selected Publications


Brennan, M.L. (2024). Quantification of bottom trawl damage to ancient shipwrecks: a case study from the coastal waters of Turkey. Threats to Our Ocean Heritage: Bottom Trawling. Jarvis C (ed.) : 41-52. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-031-579…


Brennan, M., Cantelas, F., Elliott, K., Delgado, J., Croff Bell, K., Coleman, D., Fundis, A., Irion, J., Van Tilburg, H., Ballard, R. (2018). Telepresence-Enabled Maritime Archaeological Exploration in the Deep. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 13(2): 97-121.


Brennan, M. (2016). Quantifying impacts of trawling to shipwrecks. In: Matthew Keith, (ed) Site Formation Processes of Submerged Shipwrecks : 157-178.
Brennan, M., Davis, D., Ballard, R., Trembanis, A., Vaughn, I., Krumholz, J., Delgado, J., Roman, C., Smart, C., Croff Bell, K., Duman, M., DuVal, C. (2016). Quantification of bottom trawl fishing damage to ancient shipwreck sites. Marine Geology 371: 82-88.
Brennan, M., Davis, D., Ballard, R., Trembanis, A., Vaughn, I., Krumholz, J., Delgado, J., Roman, C., Smart, C., Croff Bell, K., Duman, M., DuVal, C. (2016). Quantification of bottom trawl fishing damage to ancient shipwreck sites. Marine Geology 371: 82-88.


Krumholz, J., Brennan, M. (2015). Fishing for Common Ground: Investigations of the impact of trawling on ancient shipwreck sites uncovers a potential for management synergy. Marine Policy 61: 127-133.


Brennan, M., Ballard, R. (2014). Archaeological Oceanography. Encyclopedia of Natural Resources : 604-608.


Brennan, M. (2013). High-resolution imaging of the M/S Dodekanisos shipwreck site off Deveboynu Burnu, Turkey. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 42(1): 204-208.


Brennan, M. (2012). Cultural sites as platforms for environmental characterization of marine landscapes. Dissertation: University of Rhode Island