2010 Expedition
Finike Harbor, Turkey

Eastern Aegean & Antalya Basin

July 17 – 25, 2010

During NA006 in the Eastern Aegean & Antalya Basin, the team discovered and explored four ancient shipwrecks — Marmaris C, Marmaris D, Knidos I, and Knidos J. Objectives of the expedition included: surveying deep waters of the Antalya Basin and testing side-scan sonar on ROV Argus to document the geological landscape of the region, documenting archaeological sites using Hercules/Argus, testing capabilities of the 2200 kHz multibeam sonar, stereo cameras, structured light imaging, a scanning pencil-beam sonar and a sub-bottom profiler.

Selected Publications


Brennan, M.L. (2024). Quantification of bottom trawl damage to ancient shipwrecks: a case study from the coastal waters of Turkey. Threats to Our Ocean Heritage: Bottom Trawling. Jarvis C (ed.) : 41-52. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-031-579…


Brennan, M., Cantelas, F., Elliott, K., Delgado, J., Croff Bell, K., Coleman, D., Fundis, A., Irion, J., Van Tilburg, H., Ballard, R. (2018). Telepresence-Enabled Maritime Archaeological Exploration in the Deep. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 13(2): 97-121.


Brennan, M. (2016). Quantifying impacts of trawling to shipwrecks. In: Matthew Keith, (ed) Site Formation Processes of Submerged Shipwrecks : 157-178.
Brennan, M., Davis, D., Ballard, R., Trembanis, A., Vaughn, I., Krumholz, J., Delgado, J., Roman, C., Smart, C., Croff Bell, K., Duman, M., DuVal, C. (2016). Quantification of bottom trawl fishing damage to ancient shipwreck sites. Marine Geology 371: 82-88.
Brennan, M., Davis, D., Ballard, R., Trembanis, A., Vaughn, I., Krumholz, J., Delgado, J., Roman, C., Smart, C., Croff Bell, K., Duman, M., DuVal, C. (2016). Quantification of bottom trawl fishing damage to ancient shipwreck sites. Marine Geology 371: 82-88.


Krumholz, J., Brennan, M. (2015). Fishing for Common Ground: Investigations of the impact of trawling on ancient shipwreck sites uncovers a potential for management synergy. Marine Policy 61: 127-133.


Brennan, M., Ballard, R. (2014). Archaeological Oceanography. Encyclopedia of Natural Resources : 604-608.


Brennan, M. (2012). Cultural sites as platforms for environmental characterization of marine landscapes. Dissertation: University of Rhode Island
Brennan, M., Ballard, R., Roman, C., Croff Bell, K., Buxton, B., Coleman, D., Inglis, G., Koyagasioglu, O., Turanli, T. (2012). Evaluation of the modern submarine landscape off southwestern Turkey through the documentation of ancient shipwreck sites. Continental Shelf Research 43: 55-70.