Meko Kofahl
Meko is a Ph.D. student at Texas A&M University's Nautical Archaeology Program. Her dissertation work is focusing on the archaeobotany of a cluster of shipwrecks found in the Eastern Mediterranean, but her fieldwork has almost exclusively employed remote sensing survey methods and techniques. This is her third summer on the Nautilus, and deepwater survey work in the Mediterranean and Black Sea is where she intends to focus after completing her studies. Prior to returning to graduate school, Meko was a veteran software development project manager and combines her love of technology with her archaeological work by dreaming up projects that push the limits of today's archaeology.
Meko will formally graduate from Texas A&M University in 2012 with a Master's degree in Anthropology from the Nautical Archaeology program. She has nearly completed coursework for the Ph.D. (at Texas A&M) and her dissertation research is under way.
Meko participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: