This expedition is a seafloor mapping transit that brings the E/V Nautilus from the Central to Eastern Pacific Ocean. This nine-day cruise will start in Honolulu and end in Sidney (British Columbia), and utilize the deep-water mapping capabilities of E/V Nautilus to map previously uncharted seafloor during the transit route. Collected bathymetry data will be used to fill gaps in seabed mapping within and beyond the US EEZ and thereby support priorities of Seabed 2030 and the US National Strategy for Mapping, Exploration, and Characterization.
This expedition also welcomes aboard partners from A-STEP — Ambassadors for STEM Training to Enhance Participation — a National Science Foundation-funded program that provides at-sea training experiences for students and elevates interest and sense of belonging in geosciences and geoscience-related careers.
This mapping expedition will be in direct support of the GEBCO-Nippon Foundation’s Seabed 2030 program and the United Nations’ Decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
This expedition is funded by Ocean Networks Canada.