2025 Expedition
Mapping Around Wake Atoll

Mapping Around Wake Atoll

August 20 – September 11, 2025

Expedition Partners

Expedition Leader

For our final expedition of 2025, E/V Nautilus explores the waters surrounding Wake Atoll, one of the most poorly surveyed ocean areas under US jurisdiction. Seafloor mapping data is urgently needed in this Western Pacific territory to support the priorities of the Pacific Islands Heritage Marine National Monument and the Wake Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, including follow-on surveys to better understand the deep-water natural and cultural resources of the region. This expedition will utilize the deep-water mapping capabilities of E/V Nautilus to map previously unsurveyed seafloor in the US Exclusive Economic Zone surrounding Wake, as well as other unmapped areas along the transit route.  

This expedition is funded by NOAA Ocean Exploration via the Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute.

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