Kupaianaha, Amazing Seamount Views from the Path of the Deep Sea Traveler
-- Kupaianaha Definition --
Amazing, extraordinary, wonderful, surprising, marvelous, among many other meanings
Throughout the Ala ‘Aumoana Kai Uli expedition, the 4-8 watch team constantly found themselves in awe of the deep sea within Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Malia Evans, Guest Educator and Monument resource monitor, helped all of us to verbalize the incredible views that were being revealed in new ways by sharing the word kupaianaha (see above for definition) with her teammates. This word was practiced, in addition to other new vocabulary words in ‘Ōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian language) to help us relate better to this place and our sighted pōhaku (rock), peʻa (seastar), huʻakai (sponge), koʻa (coral), iʻa (fish), ōkala (anemone), and so much more! This photo album is a collection of the many kupaianaha moments shared between the Corps of Exploration throughout this expedition.
Album assembled by Science Communication Fellow Tori Hunt.

Ala ʻAumoana Kai Uli in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument
Ocean Exploration Trust and partners will conduct a telepresence-enabled expedition to explore unseen deep-sea habitats aboard E/V Nautilus with ROV and seafloor mapping operations in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) focused on the largely unexplored northwestern section of the Monument.