Technology Spotlight: Midwater Mission Specialist HROV Mesobot
During the September OECI Technology Testing expedition, new underwater vehicles are onboard E/V Nautilus to test, revise, and refine new methods of ocean exploration. Join this live Q&A to meet the team of engineers and scientists working hard to develop technologies to understand the vast mid-water portion of the ocean, beneath the sunlight and above the seafloor. Bring your questions for Dr. Annette Govindarajan leading efforts to sample midwater biodiversity with tiny DNA strands, Dr. Allan Adams leading measurements of the tiny fractions of light that penetrate the deep ocean, engineer Molly Curran on the challenges of developing new piloting technology, and Dr. Dana Yoerger sharing the importance of linking shipboard and vehicle technologies.

OECI Technology Demonstration: Nereid Under Ice (NUI) Vehicle + Mesobot
This expedition aboard E/V Nautilus will support the testing of novel or emerging capabilities with two different autonomous underwater vehicles from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).