Omesubel a Nautilus | Illustrated Ocean Exploration Vocabulary in Palauan Language

Explore the language of ocean exploration in Palauan! This illustrated vocabulary slideshow shares views of the types of formations and life found on the seafloor along with the terms and team member roles needed for the operation of a successful voyage.
This learning resource was developed in support of Lebuu’s Voyage I & II — the 2024 deep ocean exploration expeditions led by Ocean Exploration Trust, Palau International Coral Reef Center, and NOAA Ocean Exploration in Palau National Marine Sanctuary. Its contents are certified by the Palau Language Commission. OET is grateful for the knowledge of the many contributors who have helped assemble this language list to develop a shared terminology for deep sea expeditions.
This resource was created by Adeeshia Imade Tellei, King Sam, Megan Cook, Jefferson Thomas, Gregorio Ngirmang, Nancy Renguul, Jay Watanabe, Lorenza Olkeriil, Medangeliang Olkeriil, and Vivian Ngirngetrang of the Palau International Coral Reef Center, Palau Language Commission, and Ocean Exploration Trust. The included audio recordings were made by Keobel V. Sakuma.