Octopalooza at Davidson Seamount
Cephalopods are deep-sea show-stoppers, especially octopuses. The combination of elegance and intelligence coupled with the dexterity and curiosity they exhibit makes them both alien and relatable. Regular Nautilus Live viewers know that the discovery of an octopus is usually enough to inspire the watch team to slow down and take a closer look. On our first dive at Davidson Seamount, we were extremely fortunate to encounter several members of this dynamic group and to make an incredible find.
Contributed by Lead Science Communication Fellow Melissa Baffa.

Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
The main objective of this expedition is to characterize an unexplored, deep-water region of basaltic rocky reef that resides southeast of Davidson Seamount, within the borders of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) to characterize habitat, species, and communities. Although extensive previous ROV dives have occured on the seamount proper, there is deep rocky habitat southeast of the seamount that could harbor additional communities of corals and sponges.