Women in STEM: Nautilus Style!
The Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) was founded in 2008 by Dr. Robert Ballard as a non-profit launching expeditions from E/V Nautilus which extend the boundaries of knowledge about the deep ocean by hosting international teams of scientists and sharing the experience with the world via telepresence. Deeply embedded in the mission of the Ocean Exploration Trust is a commitment to inspiring and mentoring the next generation of scientific explorers. By sharing the excitement of what it really means to explore areas of the ocean that have never been explored before, OET inspires others to expand their horizons in science and engineering. This album focuses on some of the women who make OET's mission possible at all levels of the ship's operation. While the individuals represented here are only a fraction of the many talented women who have sailed on the ship, we hope a peek into these stories will inspire others to seek out new discoveries and to remain curious to explore more. Welcome to the Women in STEM: Nautilus Style.
Meet more of the Corps of Exploration and OET team.
Album contributed by Science Communication Fellow: Linda Fergusson-Kolmes

Heceta Bank
Returning south along the coast of Oregon, this expedition will conduct geophysical surveys near Heceta Bank in order to search for late Pleistocene-aged remnant landforms and possible archaeological sites. This is a multidisciplinary problem that requires data generated by Earth scientists and archaeologists to answer questions about past coastal environments and prehistoric human migration.