Shipwreck 15577 Dive Highlights July 20
This is a highlight album of our dive from July 20, 2013. Hercules and Argus were exploring a possible 19th century shipwreck located 170 miles off of Galveston, TX in the Gulf of Mexico. Hercules recovered a variety bottles and plates which were placed in a collection box using a suction device. An elevator was also deployed from the Nautilus to bring a biological experiment to the seafloor, and to be used for additional artifact collection purposes.

Shipwreck 15577 - The Monterrey Wreck
The Discovery
In April 2012, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ship Okeanos Explorer conducted the first reconnaissance of shipwreck site 15577 as part of an interdisciplinary exploration mission focusing on deepwater hard-bottom habitat, naturally occurring gas seeps, and potential shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico.