Science & Tech

Orpheus AUV

Orpheus AUV
Ocean Exploration Trust

This Orpheus AUV is the first of many to be built and operated by Orpheus Ocean. Capable of reaching the ocean’s greatest depths, the Orpheus-class of vehicle was first designed at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) from 2018 to 2024 and constructed as a pair of prototype vehicles. The Orpheus AUV allows us to explore up to and beyond 6,000 meters, a region of extreme pressure that presents technical challenges. 

During missions, Orpheus AUVs operate near or on the seafloor, performing high-resolution optical and sensor surveys as well as water and seafloor sampling tasks focused on areas of interest on the order of 1 kmin size. Orpheus AUVs offer scalable solutions to benthic exploration and characterization challenges through customizable payloads, autonomous seafloor sampling, and expedition fleet scalability to meet a project’s scope and coverage goals. 

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Orpheus AUV At-A-Glance


  • Size: 60” W x 70” L x 52” H
  • Weight: 550 lbs in air
  • Depth Rating: 6,000 m or 11,000 m
  • Payload: ~50-70 lbs wet weight flexible payload space with modular mounting options both internal and external to vehicle body. Payload capacity is expandable with additional flotation. Power (12V to 48V) and communications (Serial or Ethernet) interface available from vehicle. Design frame supports standalone instruments.
  • Launch & Retrieval: Over-the-side with winch/utility crane
  • Seafloor survey altitude: 2-3 m with capability to perform controlled landings on the seafloor.
  • On-bottom mission time: 6-12 hours (performing transects and periodic sampling landings)
  • Survey Transit speed: 0.3 to 0.5 m/s  


  • Tracking - Support for USBL Beacons for geodetic navigation 

  • Dead Reckoning - DVL

  • Closed loop vehicle control - heading, altitude, depth, and distance traveled over seafloor 

Imaging and Lighting:

  • 4x LED spotlights Strobed or Continuous 

  • HD Color Camera- Down Looking 


  • Pressure/Depth Sensor: 0-11,000 dBar 

  • Salinity & Temperature Sensor: 0-90 mS/cm, -5-45°C 

  • Altitude Sensor: 6km-rated Echo Sounder


  • 4x Thrusters (2x Horiz, 2x Vertical)

  • Drop Weights for Passive Descent/Ascent