STEM Learning Module

Sequencing DNA In The Classroom

Sequencing DNA image
Ocean Exploration Trust

In this 5 day, or 5 lab module, students will complete an online simulation and hands-on activities to learn the different steps of how to genetically sequence a biological sample. Students learn how to use the genetic equipment the micropipette, how to extract DNA, how genes are amplified through the process of PCR, confirmation through Gel Electrophoresis, and confirmation with Gel Electrophoresis. Finally students learn how samples are sequenced and determine identification. These 5 labs can all be done together in sequential order or piecemeal to meet your classroom needs.

Objectives & learning outcomes

  • The object is for students to gain hands on experience of the principals and practices of genomic research.
  • Understanding and discussing why ROVs collect biological samples.
  • Students will be familiar and know how to properly use micropipettes.
  • At the completion of all labs students should understand the process of DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis, and Sanger Sequencing

Disciplinary Core Ideas

Grade level

Grade level

Time & materials

Time & materials
Scale: three of three
Prep time requires additional background research, supplies & setup.

