Sliwitt Quichocho OET

Shilwitt Quichocho

Science Communication Fellow
Elementary School Principal
John F. Kennedy Elementary School

Tell us about your work/ research. What kinds of things do you do?

I am the Principal for a small elementary school here in the Republic of Palau. We have a total of 9 students between the grades Kindergarten - 8th grade. Our school is located on an atoll in the northernmost state called Kayangel. I have been working with the school going on 3 years. I initially started as the Kindergarten teacher but was promoted to Principal soon after. Because our school is small, I also teach PE and English for the available grades. Teaching in our small community has its challenges; we have definitely seen a decrease in our enrollment.

What sparked your initial interest in your career?

I went to this very school when I was a young boy and we had twice as many students.I left Palau in 2006 to Guam to seek better opportunities where I joined the Guam Army National Guard. I was deployed in Afghanistan on 2013 when a devastating typhoon hit our state. I was able to return to help with the recovery a month after and this was the experience that gave me the motivation to return. I re-enrolled at University of Guam in spring of 2014, and by Fall of 2016, I had received my Bachelors in Business Administration. I moved back home after a decade and I believe that I need to give back to the community in some way or form.

Who influenced you or encouraged you the most?

I learned a lot at a young age because I was raised by my maternal grandfather who has been my biggest influencer. He taught me a lot about life in general and instilled discipline with in me that helped me during my journey overseas. He is the person I talk to when I need guidance.

What element of your work/ study do you think is the most fascinating?

I think seeing the progress of the students. It is not always obvious when you are continually working with them, but after sometime we go back to their earlier work and the improvements becomes very visible.

How did you get involved with Ocean Exploration Trust? How did you become part of the expedition team?

The OET team presented at our Principals' Forum as part of the expedition planning process gathering communiyt input.  It was something that I was very interested in so I was eager to apply.

What other jobs led you to your current career?

When I first returned home, I became the Program Coordinator for our conservation office in Kayangel (my island). I worked there for three years and the highlights were the outreach that we did for students. I always had a feeling that I would be teaching one day. I never expected to be the Principal.

What are your degrees and certifications?

Bachelor in Business Administration with a concentration in International Tourism and Hospitality Management. University of Guam 2016

What are your hobbies?

My hobbies include farming, fishing and exploring. I have 5 pigs that I maintain. Two are the parents and 3 are their kids. I'm expecting another litter soon.

What advice would you give someone who wants to have a career like yours?

To be an educator requires a lot of patience. Kids all learn in different ways and sometimes we need to be adaptable to the students needs.

"What excites me most is charting the uncharted!' - Shilwitt Blodak Quichocho