Danika Villanueva
Tell us about your work/ research. What kinds of things do you do?
I am studying biology at San Diego City College, focusing on majoring in ecological management and restoration. My passion for this field stems from my love for the outdoors and desire to impact the environment positively. Every Saturday, I volunteer at a local park that is undergoing repair and reforestation. This hands-on experience has not only deepened my appreciation for nature but also solidified my interest in the practical aspects of ecological restoration. In my research, I am particularly interested in exploring effective strategies for habitat restoration, species conservation, and the sustainable management of natural resources. By combining my academic studies with volunteer work, I aim to contribute to meaningful projects that restore and preserve our natural ecosystems.
What sparked your initial interest in your career?
My initial interest in biology, which now extends to ecological management and restoration, was sparked by a love for the outdoors and a deep concern for the environment. Growing up, I spent a lot of time exploring natural areas, which instilled in me a profound appreciation for the beauty and complexity of ecosystems. This passion was ignited when I began volunteering at a local park needing repair and reforestation, and seeing the amazing difference that restoration efforts made in revitalizing the area and supporting local wildlife was very inspiring. This experience made me realize I wanted to dedicate my career to preserving and restoring natural habitats, ensuring that future generations enjoy and benefit from healthy, thriving ecosystems.
Who influenced you or encouraged you the most?
The people who most influenced me were my grandma and my mom. When I was very little, my grandma always made me accompany her to the garden to look at the different flowers or birds that were present that day. My mom always took us hiking whenever she had the chance. On these hikes, I would connect with nature and learn to appreciate the beauty and calmness it provides. Spending time with my grandma and mom made me love going outside to look at, care and enjoy nature, and this furthered my anguish once I learned about climate change and all of the wildlife lost due to it. All of these influenced my decision to go to college and work in preserving these beautiful and extraordinary natural spaces.
What element of your work/ study do you think is the most fascinating?
The most fascinating element of my work and study of biology is witnessing and learning about the dynamic process of ecosystem recovery. It's incredibly rewarding to observe how different species interact and support each other as a degraded habitat gradually returns to health. My volunteer work at the park showed me how strategic planting and habitat management can attract wildlife, improve biodiversity, and restore ecological balance.
How did you get involved with Ocean Exploration Trust? How did you become part of the expedition team?
I attended a STEMSEAS event at my school, where they presented the program and explained the many benefits you could get from attending. I'm very excited to have been placed aboard Nautilus.
What other jobs led you to your current career?
Another thing that led me to an interest in a career in ecological management and restoration was the influence my sustainability class had on me during my high school years. My teacher explained a key concept that I still carry, which is that as much as climate change seems like an immense problem, we could have an impact change in a better direction through our actions.
What are your degrees and certifications?
Right now, I am working to get my bachelor's degree in ecological management and restoration.
What are your hobbies?
I like to spend my free time reading, biking, gardening, and hiking. But the hobby I love and practice the most is playing piano.
What advice would you give someone who wants to have a career like yours?
I would advise someone to volunteer in your community, whether in parks, the beach, or any place where you find meaning. Volunteering helped me to understand why I truly wanted to get a career in ecological management and restoration. Not only was it for the environment, but it was also for the friends I made and the people I connected to in these areas. It is really important that you have an eagerness to work with others and for the environment.
What excites me the most is the opportunity to travel in the ocean, to learn how sea exploration works, and to get the chance to be a part of a team that contributes meaningful environmental research.
Danika participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: