Brian Raynes
Brian Raynes started working in the broadcast industry for his father over 20 years ago. Small jobs mainly; cleaning monitors, vacuuming filters, and changing RTS light bulbs. Not long after Brian was converting hand drawn diagrams over to Generic CADD 6. He worked mostly as an engineer’s assistant, but continued CADDing throughout.
In 1999, Brian was hired as a freelancer by New Century Productions (A national mobile production company) to help integrate two of their new mobile production units.
After graduating college, Brian started as a Maintenance Engineer and became an Engineer-In-Charge for NCP full-time. During his time there he helped design and build nine mobile production units, maintain and run the entire fleet of trucks, and even ran the field shop for a couple of months. Previously, Brian had worked at the World Series and on the CBS coverage of the US Open and also worked in Brisbane Australia for the Goodwill Games. In 2005, Brian left NCP and helped his father re-start Little Bay Broadcast Services, LLC
Brian Raynes graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 2002 with a degree in Mathematics Education: Secondary.
"I am excited to sail aboard the Nautilus because I think that the oceans are the next major frontier in exploration and I want to be a part of that!"
Brian participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: