
Nautilus Live Launches Space Exploration Program

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Ocean Exploration Trust / Adobe Photoshop

We're proud to announce a new mission for Nautilus in 2014 - to boldly go where no ocean vessel has gone before. The Nautilus Space Exploration Program will continue to push the boundaries of science and technology, finally taking the chance to explore the final

Significant modifications were made to the E/V Nautilus during the off-season to ready it for the journey to low-earth orbit, and docking with the International Space Station, not an easy undertaking for an ocean-going research vessel. This versatility to both explore the deep ocean and space in the same year will offer countless new ways for scientists to engage in our research initiatives.

"Several NASA astronauts have joined us on board Nautilus as part of our Corps of Exploration in the past two years, including space-station resident and Mission Specialist Cady Coleman, and they encouraged us to expand the reach of the vessel," said Katy Croff Bell, Chief Scientist of the Nautilus Exploration Program and Executive Vice President of the Ocean Exploration Trust.

The photo above was captured at our first milestone test launch last week. 

Join us this summer starting on June 11, 2014 to catch live video from our first expedition (ocean-based) and like us on Facebook ( and follow us on Twitter ( to find out more about our upcoming adventures!