Photo album:
Coral Dive Highlights at Roberts Reef July 4, 2013
This is the highlight dive album for July 4, 2013. Hercules and Argus were at Roberts Reef in the Gulf of Mexico. During this dive corals were imaged. We also took coral samples, sponge samples, water samples and sediment cores. This site has a wide diversity of colors and organisms. We saw many interactions among organisms as well as the diversity of corals.

Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf (ECOGIG)
The ECOGIG expedition is part of a larger research program focused on examining the ecosystem-level response to oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico. This research group, the ECOGIG Consortium, is made up of scientists from a wide variety of disciplines studying current flow, ocean chemistry, microbial activity, deep-sea coral communities, and everything in between.