An Unknown Clipper
On our second ROV dive of the season, the Corp of Explorers discovered this massive wreck, which appears to be a wooden-hulled cargo ship that is approximately 100 years old - built sometime between 1880-1920. The bow of the wreck, now known as Eregli G, is still beautilfully intact and stands almost 14 meters tall. The anchor found at the bow of Eregli G may help to identify the wreck, since ships built at different times and places have distinct anchor shapes. The wreck also has a copper-lined lower hull, which is another feature that may help to place where and when it was built. Although the aft portion of the wreck is a jumbled mess of wood, metal and rope, there are still traces of neatness aboard the ship - like the carefully coiled lines seen in this image from the HD camera on Hercules.