Aegean Shipwreck B offshore of Knidos - 2009
We’re celebrating 15 years of ocean exploration and looking back at our 2009 adventures in the Aegean Sea along the coasts of Greece and Turkey (NA002). Here in the Knidos region, we came across this ancient shipwreck, the second of the expedition labeled B, was estimated to be from the Hellenistic or Classical Age in history. Spot different types of amphora (ancient ceramic containers) scattered about the seafloor, marking this ancient vessel’s final resting place. While the wooden materials of the ship had long disintegrated, these containers show us exactly where it settled on the seafloor. As you can see in the video, the amphora have become part of the ecosystem, surrounded by corals, fish, and even an inking squid!
Learn more about other shipwrecks found in the region:
Brennan, Michael & Davis, Dan & Opait, Andrei & Stay, Marshall. (2020). Deep-water shipwrecks in the East Mediterranean: a microcosm of Late Roman exchange. Journal of Roman Archaeology. 33. 291-329. 10.1017/S1047759420001026. (
Brennan, Michael & Turanli, Tufan & Buxton, Bridget & Bell, Katherine & Roman, Chris & Kofahl, Meko & Koyagasioglu, Orkan & Whitesell, Dan & Chamberlain, Thomas & Sullivan, Richard & Ballard, Robert. (2011). Landscape imaging of the southeast Aegean Sea. Oceanography (Washington D.C.). 24. 18-19. (