Steve Mihály
As a staff scientist for ONC, Dr. Steven Mihaly focuses on supporting interdisciplinary research within the theme “Ocean/Climate Dynamics and their Effects on Marine Biota”. Prior to joining ONC, Steve helped to design and build several community experiments on the NEPTUNE Observatory as an external investigator. These experiments encompassed the monitoring of hydrothermal venting and circulation at the Endeavour Segment spreading centre, investigating the biophysical linkages in the water column at the Vancouver Island shelf break, and characterizing propagation of tsunami waves with an array of pressure sensors.
Steve holds Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) from Dalhousie University and a Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography from the University of British Columbia. He comes to ONC from Fisheries and Oceans Canada where he was a research associate specializing in observational science using moorings and ship-borne hydro water surveys to understand the physical dynamics of local waters.
Some of his research interests are the design of acoustic instrumentation, circulation in large estuaries (Juan de Fuca and Strait of Georgia), internal waves, along and cross-shelf processes and the effect of water properties on returning salmon. His Ph.D. work examines the interaction of rough topography and deep-ocean currents and how buoyant fluxes at hydrothermal venting regions affect oceanic circulation and larval distribution.
Steve believes that the most promising way to ensure a healthy ocean for our shared futures is to facilitate interdisciplinary research, involve citizen scientists in this research and to effectively outreach the results of this research.
His spare time is spent working, sailing and playing music on his wooden sloop with his partner and dog.
Steve participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: