Piera Headshot

Piera Biondi

Science Team
Palau International Coral Reef Center

Tell us about your work/research. What kinds of things do you do?

I am currently working in Palau as a Researcher at PICRC. The main projects I am working on are monitoring some of the MPAs in Palau, assessment of the fish stocks, and recently I started a study at a Fish Aggregating Device where we monitor fish assemblages and how they change based on the moon phase.

What sparked your initial interest in your career?

I have always been passionate about the ocean since I was a child. I decided very early on that I wanted to pursue this career and become a marine biologist. I initially studied general biology for my bachelor's and then specialized in marine biology for my master's degree.

Who influenced you or encouraged you the most?

My whole family and all my friends always noticed my passion for the sea and what lives in the water, they have been the one encouraging me to follow my dream of becoming a marine biologist despite this meant to be away from them for long time.

What element of your work/study do you think is the most fascinating?

Recently I have been working with baited remotely underwater cameras and I found very fascinating what comes around in front of the cameras when divers are not physically in the water. It is always a surprise to check the videos and find out what kind of organisms we have been able to record.

How did you get involved with the Ocean Exploration Trust?

Ocean Exploration Trust and PICRC have been collaborating for over a year planning the Lebuu's Voyage expeditions. I am excited to have been selected to be part of the science team.

What other jobs led you to your current career?

Everything I have always done or worked on has been somehow related to the ocean.

What are your degrees and certifications?

I have a bachelor's in general biology, a master's degree in marine biology and a Phd in marine science.

What are your hobbies?

I obviously love SCUBA diving, but I also enjoy rock climbing and horseback riding.

What advice would you give someone who wants to have a career like yours?

My advice is to do not give up, sometimes school can be hard and there are a lot of "down" moments where you question your choices. But it will all be worth it in the end once you see your dream come true!