Nasir Ahsan
Nasir Ahsan is currently a postdoctoral research associate at the Australian Center for Field Robotics, University of Sydney. Nasir's work focuses on adaptive sampling for geology modeling to improve the cost-effectiveness of surface mining procedures. During his PhD, also at the ACFR he proposed novel adaptive sampling algorithms for mapping Benthic habitats using a seabed class Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. Prior to his PhD Nasir was lecturing at the National University of Sciences and Technology Pakistan, where he managed different projects including developing an Autonomous Air Vehicle. Nasir completed his Masters by Research at the University of New South Wales where he worked on developing algorithms for inferring gene regulatory networks from microarray data.
His general area of specialization is in Machine Learning and he has worked with a variety of different problem domains some of which include time series modeling of gene expression data, intelligent flight control, mining, benthic ecology, financial forecasting, etc.
Nasir Ahsan graduated with a PhD in Robotics from the University of Sydney in 2014. He completed his Masters by Research in Machine Learning and Bioinformatics from the University of New South Wales in 2006. He majored in Computer Science for his Bachelors which he completed in 2004 from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.
"I am excited to sail with Nautilus because the Oceans are still unexplored, and I want to be there in the front seat exploring it!"
Nasir participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: