Melinda Martinez
Melinda Martinez is a graduate student enrolled in the M.S. program at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences. She is conducting her research in the Harte Research for Gulf of Mexico Studies. Her research topic focuses on short-term wetland sediment accretion rates on Mustang Island, TX, while also examining sedimentation rates over a range of time scales to provide insight into the factors that control marsh elevation ad sedimentation processes. Melinda is advised by Dr. James C. Gibeaut.
Melinda Martinez graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in 2012 with a B.S. in Marine and Freshwater Biology and is currently in the M.S. Environmental Science program at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi.
"I am excited to be joining the Nautilus this year because ocean exploration continues to make new discoveries. My interest in ocean exploration began after learning about Dr. Sylvia Earle’s experiences and documentaries. She reminds us how we are all connected to the ocean, and the need to make changes now in order to maintain the health of the ocean and all its services for the future."
Melinda participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: