Jason James
Jason James is an Aquatic Science and Engineering teacher in the Innovation Academy for Engineering, Environmental and Marine Science at Foy H. Moody High School in Corpus Christi, Texas. He also coaches the National Ocean Science Bowl team and serves as the Innovation Academy faculty chairperson and Advisory Board member. Jason has taught high school for seven years and is certified in 8-12 Life Sciences and Mathematics. In addition to his current teaching assignment, he has previously taught Pre-AP Biology, Integrated Physics and Chemistry, and Physical Science.
Jason James graduated from Texas A&M University at Galveston with a Bachelor of Science in both Marine Biology and Marine Fisheries with a minor in Chemistry. He received a Master of Science in Biology with a Fisheries emphasis from Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi in 2006 and had his thesis published in the Norh American Journal of Fisheries Management.
Jason was sponsored by CITGO as part of the Nautilus Ambassador program.
"It is my desire to introduce and share with others the beauty, complexity, and mystery of the ocean with the hope that they will fall in love with her as I have."