Frank Johnson
Frank Johnson has nearly 30 years of experience associated with marine-related environmental field studies and technical projects. He has served as Operations Manager, Lead Technician, Lead Diver, Navigator, Electronics Technician, and/or Boat Operator for numerous remote sensing surveys, monitoring programs, and baseline studies throughout Florida, Hawaii, the Gulf of Mexico, Puerto Rico, the Gulf of Alaska, Sea of Okhotsk (Russia), South China Sea (Taiwan), and eastern Indonesia.
Frank has conducted a wide variety of field operations requiring the deployment and recovery of various physical oceanographic instrument arrays and moorings. He also has an extensive remote sensing background and has conducted numerous side-scan sonar, subbottom profiler, bathymetry, 3D imaging, and magnetometer surveys for oil industry, engineering firm, government, and commercial clients. He has been with CSA Ocean Sciences Inc. since 1985 and is currently CSA’s Operations Director.
Frank participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: