headshot for Otto

E. Ikelau Otto

Shoreside Science Team, Palau Science Lead
Chief Researcher
Palau International Coral Reef Center

Tell us about your work/research. What kinds of things do you do?

I specialize in climate change and ocean chemistry, specifically ocean acidification. I lead the bleaching assessments conducted at the center as well as manage the Ocean Acidification Lab. In addition, I co-lead the Palau eDNA project along with Dr. Collin Closek from Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions.

What sparked your initial interest in your career?

I grew up an athlete and a swimmer so from a very early age, I've had a fondness for the ocean. When I left Palau after high school to persue my undergraduate studies, I gained a true appreciation for Palau, our culture, and our beautiful resources. I met Dr. Gail Gasbowsky at Chaminade University whos passion for conservation and the Pacific Islands made me realize what I really wanted to do - be a part of the conservation of my beautiful home.

Who influenced you or encouraged you the most?

There have been many influencers in my life that helped me at my crossroads and encouraged me that I am capable so it's so hard to say one has more than the others because they helped during critical times in my life BUT I will say my longest influencers and encouragers have been my family.

What element of your work/study do you think is the most fascinating?

The constant discovers both on a personal level as a researcher and on a global level. The fact that technology advances and it seems there will never be an end to new knowledge.

How did you get involved with the Ocean Exploration Trust?

As my role at PICRC as Chief Researcher, I was given the opportunity by the close partnership and collaboration with Daniel Wagner and the OET team.

What other jobs led to your current career?

During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to be in the Undergraduate Research Mentoring program at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

What are your degrees and certifications?

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies -- Chaminade University of Honolulu 2011; Masters of Science in Chemistry, Biology, and Marine Science -- Ryukyus University (Okinawa, JP) 2018

What are your hobbies?

I love to paddle (outrigger canoe), work out in the gym, watch movies, sleep, hike

What advice would you give someone who wants to have a career like yours?

Explore different opportunities, be open to learning new things, dabble in this and that to find out what you like and what you really do not want to be doing. The best part of being in this career path is while it has it's challenges, work is a pleasure.