David Amblas
David Amblas' expertise is in seafloor morphology, sediment dynamics, multibeam echosounders and GIS.
Background and work experience: At present, David is nearing the end of a Ph.D. on mid-latitude continental margins morphodynamics, mainly investigating the evolution of submarine canyons. Like in river systems, submarine canyons drain sediment and are often arranged as complex drainage networks that evolve from patterns of erosion and deposition. The focus of his study is to understand these patterns and how they affect the seascape morphology over time. David has been in several research cruises in the Mediterranean, Arctic and Antarctica. He is currently in charge of the geoacoustic equipment of the RV Lluerna, from the Catalan Government.
Educational background: David graduated from University of Barcelona in 2002.
David participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: