Clay Kilby
Clay Kilby is a media producer and science communication specialist with the Ocean Exploration Trust. Prior to joining OET, Clay served the non-partisan think tank and strategic communications organization Next Generation as a creative specialist overseeing the graphic identity and producing creative for the organization's major initiatives Too Small To Fail and The Risky Business Project. Clay has also served a variety of non-profits as a creative consultant. An avid writer, Clay is a former editorial assistant at the literary journal Appalachian Heritage, and his fiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Clay also served the National Park Service as an interpretive ranger in locations such as Carlsbad Caverns, Glen Canyon, and Jewel Cave.
Clay Kilby graduated from Berea College in 2013 with a degree in Communications.
"The opportunity to witness to the amazing work of the Nautilus and to have a hand in communicating that work to the world is a true gift and I could not be more excited."
Clay participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: