Carrie Arnold Gutierrez
Carrie Arnold-Gutierrez is a construction manager with the Oil, Gas & Chemicals unit of Bechtel in Houston, Texas, USA. As a construction manager she oversees the construction planning and execution on Bechtel projects, such as liquefied natural gas plants, and facilities and maintenance projects at a United States Department of Energy site for Bechtel’s government business unit. Carrie was also field engineering manager for Bechtel’s corporate construction organization. During her career Carrie has worked in Texas, South Carolina, and Maryland. Her assignments have entailed construction management tasks at project jobsites and functional management of processes, procedures and personnel at home offices. In addition, Carrie is very passionately involved in STEM education for students. She has participated in several National Engineers Week programs and started chapters of the ACE (Architecture, Construction, Engineering) Mentor Program in Frederick, Maryland, and Houston, Texas.
Carrie Arnold-Gutierrez graduated from Texas A&M University in 1985 with a degree in civil engineering, specializing in construction management.
Carrie participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: