Alex Ferrier Loh
Tell us about your work/research. What kinds of things do you do?
I've been with the Coral Reef Research Foundation in Palau since 2019 where I'm currently involved with a number of mapping projects around Palau. My primary role over the last few years has been completing the bathymetric mapping of Palau's outer reef slopes and the inner lagoon of the main island group. Which required me to drive around Palau on our research vessel the 'Kemedukl' at 5 knots for over a thousand hours, whilst operating our multibeam echosounder. This has provided one of the primary building blocks for another project where we are currently mapping the shallow marine habitats throughout Palau. We also operate a number of UAV's, the coolest of which allows us to collect shallow water bathymetry using LiDAR. Which essentially uses laser pulses to measure the earths surface which combined with other data collected by the airborne system, generates precise 3D maps of the areas we are surveying.
What sparked your initial interest in your career?
I spent time in Malaysia as a kid, and when I was 13 I learnt to dive on a school trip. After that trip I was convinced whatever I did I had to do something that allowed me to live by the beach. I would have been quite happy as a beach bum, but my parents weren't too happy with that so i pursued a career in marine science.
Who influenced you or encouraged you the most?
Probably my mum. I was a terrible student and she help get me to where I am today. Without her I probably wouldn't have finished school.
What element of your work/study do you think is the most fascinating?
The most fascinating thing with our bathymetric mapping is that we are seeing the seafloor and its geomorphology in a way that has never been seen before. We have found a number of features that we never even knew existed in Palau!
What other jobs led to your current career?
I've been all over the shop really. I've worked as an aquarist, dive instructor, aquaculture technician, field technician, environmental consultant and even a few seasons cutting down trees at a Christmas tree farm before ending up at CRRF as a mapping specialist. I think having a number of different roles throughout my career has allowed me to be exposed to many facets of marine science and help me become a well rounded marine scientist.
What are your degrees and certifications?
BSc (Hons) Marine and Freshwater Biology -- University of Hull; MSc Marine Biology -- Bangor University
What are your hobbies?
My favorite hobby is probably eating junk food, and all my other hobbies are aimed at countering that. I go the the gym and run a lot, I also took up spearfishing this year and am mildly obsessed.
What advice would you give someone who wants to have a career like yours?
Be flexible. You wont always have the opportunity to do exactly what you want, but working and gaining experience elsewhere in the field will help you get there. Be enthusiastic and look to maximise any experience you can get.
Alex participated in the following Ocean Exploration Trust expeditions: