Exploring Gulf of Mexico Methane Seeps
2015 GISR (Gulf Integrated Spill Response): Scientists aboard the E/V Nautilus from Woods Hole, Texas A&M, and University of Rochester have been examining the methane seep known as "The Sleeping Dragon" this week. Our team has been using acoustic imaging to visualize methane plumes, taking water and biological samples, and monitoring the flux rate of rising methane bubbles.

GISR: Natural Gas Seeps in Gulf of Mexico
What impact do natural hydrocarbon seeps have on the ocean and atmosphere? This is one of the key questions we’ll be investigating on this leg of the expedition. This expedition is part of the Gulf Integrated Spill Response (GISR) Consortium, funded by the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI). The vision of the GISR Consortium is to understand and predict the fundamental behavior of petroleum fluids in the ocean environment.