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Dive Highlights From Eratosthenes Seamount - 19 Aug 2012
During our latest dive on Eratosthenes Seamount, we carried out a large visual survey of the summit areas that were previously unexplored. Hercules used several long track lines to maximize the efficency of our side scan and forward scanning sonar systems. This allowed us to get a very good idea of the sediment and distribution of geologic features on the summit, as well as animals that live on and near the seafloor.

Eratosthenes Seamount
Nautilus was diving at the Eratosthenes Seamount in search of signs indicating active hydrothermal vents, where warm chemical-rich water is seeping out of the seafloor, and the exotic animals that live on them. While searching for evidence of geological and biological activity, we came across both modern and ancient garbage.