
2021 Expedition Highlights Reel - A Year of Wonders

E/V Nautilus and Corps of Exploration explored the Eastern Pacific Ocean from Southern California to the coast of Canada and halfway across the ocean basin to the Hawaiian Islands over the course of five months in 2021. With a global audience following along, we mapped over 50,000 km2 and explored never-before-surveyed areas of the ocean floor with over 50 ROV dives. This highlight reel shares only a sliver of the incredible things we’ve seen and accomplished with our partners. Take a walk with us down memory lane as we remember crazy critters, geological marvels, privileged first looks at never-before-seen seafloor, and of course, the moment when our ROVs Hercules and Argus unexpectedly became temporarily detached from Nautilus! 

Chief Operating Officer Allison Fundis sums up the season as she reflected on how the best moments come from how collaborative and supportive our community really is. Every member of the Ocean Exploration Trust team, our Corps of Exploration at sea and ashore, together with our funders, partners and loyal audience across the globe, made this season the success that it was. Stay tuned to learn more about our 2022 expedition season, launching in February 2022!